The Winding Sheet of the The Dominican Nuns of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary, in Summit, New Jersey.
The rich history of the 386 year old Holy Winding-Sheet located at the top of a small hill in central Summit, New Jersey
This is a dedication to the effort of Mr. Edward J. Insinger making it possible for this project. These files will be password protected
Only members of the SSG or other Sindonologist may have access to these correspondence. Please contact me for permission to gain access using the request form below.
Scholars believe that there are at least 50 “True Copies” in existence. “The aim of making a copy was not to cheat the simple - minded faithful, pretending it was the authentic funeral sheet of Jesus; so much so it is often written on the copy itself when it had been made and that it touched the original relic. The existence of the copies reveals, instead, only a devotional aim”. “The copies of the Shroud” by Emanuela Marinelli & Maurizio Marinelli